Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sleep of A Dark Day

When the world is crazy, how do you escape?
When nothing seems to go our way?
We yawn, but are not tired,
or maybe you are,
you just
Because you look up to see the silver lining,
but it is gone, fading as your energy.
You've lost the love of your life,
And nothing is going right.
So you yawn again,
and rumble
in your
Nothing good ever comes out of this late night
thinking thoughts of possibilities and goals.
You are awake, but yet you dream,
leaving nothing but a bit
of silence left in
the gleam
of this

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Peace in Christ

In Ezekiel 13, God is saying he will destroy the idolatrous nation of Israel, and also mentions His disdain for the teachings of the false prophets. While The Lord was declaring that because the people have been sinful, they will be destroyed by a neighboring cities.
It says in v. 10, the prophets are recorded as saying, "Peace" when there won't be peace, because their visions are a lie. So, keeping it in mind that this was in the Old Testament, if we look at Luke 24, (from the New Testament) one of the phrases Jesus first speaks to all the disciples (after the walk to Emmaus) was "Peace be to you."
Now, let me clarify I am not in any way, shape, or form, trying to call Jesus a false prophet, because I believe He really was the Son of God. I am trying to say that before Jesus' death there was no peace because the only way to be completely forgiven of wrong-doing was through the shedding of blood.
 In order for people to continue pleasing God, we have to stay focused on Him and not chase things of this world (and that goes for modern times too.)
But what I'm trying to emphasize is that before Jesus' death there was no peace because of the inherited sinfulness of humans, thus God, being The Ultimate Ruler who was and is and forever will be wholly perfect and without fault, had to give some form of punishment so that the people might see that He is Lord and turn from their sinful ways.
However, after Jesus' death, he greets them with what may be a common greeting: "Peace be with you." Before Jesus' death there was no peace because there was no perfect atonement for our sins, but after His Resurrection, He greets us with peace because He has provided a way for us to be forgiven without the shedding of more blood. Christ was the perfect solution to man's problem. It is because He lives that we can face the trials, troubles and pains, of this world because we know that we can be forgiven and are encouraged by His Spirit.
We are called to live a righteous life, as Christians, to also love others and to know that we are royalty, crowned with the crown of eternal life. Because, if our God is for us, and he has the victory, are we not to live in Joy?!?? He has the victory, He offers forgiveness, and He is the way to eternal life. "Trust in The Lord with all your heart..."  (Prov. 3:5) and He will do mighty things!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Falling for Love

It hurts.
I know it does.
I've been there too.

That moment when
You've woken up at the bottom.
Not knowing why you fell in the first place,

You fell,
And you don't know why
You ever took the first leap.

But I can promise you this,
It's okay, because sometimes,
We feel pain.

It hurts. And this pain lets us know
We were once brave enough,
to take the leap in the first place.

It is a wound,
But it will heal,
Just like all the others.

One day you will
look at this scar,
And say, "I lived."

In the future,
you will fall,
and be caught.

But not this time.
No, this time it hurt.
Heal, then forgive, then

Dare to love again.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Once Upon A Moral

I have officially changed my favorite princess, and I'll tell you why.

I used to love Disney's Cinderella because:
1) She served her Step-family
2) She didn't necessarily go to the ball to fall in love with the prince
3) The prince searched the entire kingdom to find her
4) Well, props to the Fairy godmother, because her transformation was dream material for a girl like me...

But I have come to realize that
1) Cinderella had to go to the ball in a gown/dress, because her rags were unacceptable.
2) The highly-materialistic seeming prince probably loved her only by her outward appearance
3) The entire story communicates that a girl has to dress up in order to find her "true love"

I don't know about you, but Cinderella is too materialistic for me.
Belle seems nice, but I have never related much with her (I do applaud her for not settling for Gaston, though). Ariel is too young and rebellious to her father. Snow White's moral of the story is neat, but I find her relationship with the prince too strange... (Is it just me, or is it weird to kiss a dead girl you don't know that well?) Continuing, Pocahontas didn't really end up marrying John Smith, but rather John Rolfe irl. I have not seen Aladdin enough to understand Jasmine (plus the movie isn't about her anyway, tbh).  Mulan seems like a powerful girl, and an argument could be made that she did the most for her country of all the princesses, but this blog isn't about her. Merida and Rapunzel aren't terrible, but are slightly rebellious. Anna and Elsa aren't even about getting married (unless you count the "relationship" Anna and Hans had, but I'm not.)

No, none of those princesses are my favorite. 
My favorite is now Aurora (a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty). 

Why?? *smiles* I'm glad you asked...

1) She grew up in a cottage and learned how to live simply.
2) She has a kind and relaxed attitude about her
3) Her family loves her (as do most of the parents, but it is still a good thing...)
4) Although, she did prick her finger, it wasn't her fault the kingdom fell into years of sleep
5) The whole symbolism with Prince Phillip and the fight scene with Maleficent (including the gifts the fairies give him)
6) Aurora and Phillip's love for each other is not just because of how pretty they were the first time they met, nor status, nor anything other than simply themselves and the dream they shared.
7) Though "true-love's-kiss" may have played a part, I think the biggest message is that when two people share the same dream, close to nothing can keep them apart.
8) "Love wins" is the moral of the story I see from Sleeping Beauty, even though it may take time

Why is this moral important? Because, when two people have the same mission in life and love each other they can work through anything. In my mind, I visualize Prince Phillip fighting his way through the briers. On a daily basis, we fight the briers of life: sin, discouragement, hopelessness, financial trouble, and other personal issues. But when we have our mind focused on God, nothing can keep us down and defeated. Love is the key to a good life, and God is Love!

"And now, the gates of a dungeon part, and our prince is free to go his way. Off he rides, on his noble steed, a valiant figure, straight and tall! To wake his love, with love's first kiss. And prove that "true love" conquers all!" -Maleficent

Do you agree??

Friday, August 21, 2015

Take-Away From Today's Reading:

Take-Away From Today's Reading: 
"No human wisdom or understanding or plan can stand against the LORD. The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD." -Proverbs 21:30-31 
Short Version: Correlates to Proverbs 3:-5&6, when we are told not to lean on our own understanding, but instead to trust Him with all we've got (mind, body, plans, etc...). In the end it is God who will have the victory and if we trust Him fully, His plan will come together and we will see it and rejoice together at last!!
LONG Version: Tagging onto what Tony Nolan (NGU's "Ignite" speaker the past three days who also spoke at Winter Jam 2015 for those that went...) has been talking about Proverbs 3:5&6 and how there are three things mentioned in these verses that can be categorized as "powerful-problem-solving-procedures" to have Assurance in your Life. These include: 1) Adhering to the Lord, 2) Avoid your own Logic, and 3) Acknowledging the Lord. (notice the "A" & "L" thing...) One topic that stuck out to me today was the way he applied this to the story of David & Goliath. The way that David was able to trust God enough to choose to stand up to Goliath's slanderous challenges (1), not following typical battle-logic of how the bigger-and-better-trained person 99.9% of the time wins a fight (2), and being humble enough to direct the glory of his abilities to the Lord (3) all point to how these three steps added up to the confidence David had in facing Goliath. We can have that confidence in our faith too. God loves us and wants the best for everyone of His creations. God is himself love. If we really believe in Him and search for His knowledge, understanding, and plan for our lives, in sincerity, we will eventually and submissively humble ourselves to follow Him. After grasping onto His truth and submitting/humbling ourselves before Him, we grow in a relationship with Him and start to understand more of God. If we truly are laying aside our will for God's, then we (by default) are doing the will of God. (Like Tony said (paraphrased): You can't have one foot on the worldly-dock of the "not-so-merry-go-round" where we keep doing what we've been doing, and doing what we've been doing, and doing what we've been doing, and doing what we've been doing, and the other foot on the "Ship of Christianity" 'cause when that ship sets sail, it's gonna HURT!) If we look at The Bible, the will of God is our sanctification and for us to love others. (And, yes, make disciples of all nations, but if you love someone, wouldn't you want the best for them?? grin emoticon ). Now, that doesn't mean "Oh, okay, I do not agree with what you are doing, but I'm supposed to love you and so I'm just going to sit here, while you keep doing your thing, and we'll stay in our separate corners and we won't have any confrontation about this issue because sometimes people get hurt in disagreements..." NO!! That is not love! Love is caring for a person, even in their sin. NOT loving their sin, but loving them as God loves them. Like he loved you and me in our most sinful and darkest moments enough to send HIS OWN SON to DIE for us. Gosh, loving others as Christ did, is SO SO hard to do in real life. However, I ABSOLUTELY know, if every Christian believer tried to love everyone else for who God saw them to be, through the strength that comes when we submit our lives to God and let Him sit completely in the driver's seat of our life, this world would turn upside-down!! 
So, I hate to sound all gloom&doom, but this world is VERY corrupt. It has always been. (True, there were better times than others, but sin is everywhere human-kind is.) God has a plan for everything. Whether if from a human perspective we see our work as a win OR as a loss, if we have trusted God and exchanged His will for ours, then His victory will ALWAYS prevail no matter what. Even if it takes 20 generations down the road of life, God's plan for your life will be used for His victory. So trust in God, lean not on your own logic, and do everything for the Glory of God, because (though we may never see it) His plan for you, is victory. (even though you may not see it or experience it here in this life, but one glorious day all the pieces of God's plan will finally be revealed to us together like a puzzle and it's completion WILL BRING GOD GLORY!!! (I'm so excited!! heart emoticon ) So hold on to God, because that day is coming soon!! grin emoticon

Monday, June 1, 2015

My Thoughts After Graduation...

So due to the give away in the title, you know that this post will be about graduation.

Not to brag, just as a fact, I just graduated both high school and college with a high school diploma and Associates of Arts degree (respectively).  It took me three years of hard work to get where I am now. I know I could not have ever done it without my faith, family or friends!

The graduation ceremony (a.k.a. the last day we will see everyone in one place, until the reunion that is,) was wonderfully fitted to our personality as individuals and as a class.

Looking back, I (personally) could not have thought of a different way to perform the ceremony that would fit our class any better.  Through the speeches, rap, roses, laughs, tears, music, applause, and even party poppers, one thought stuck out to me during the graduation ceremony this past week: I will greatly miss my family that I grew to know through this experience. These former classmates will never stop being a great part of my life. They taught me to become a stronger version of myself and to not be ashamed of it, to know that dreams don't always come true, to know that not everyone will agree with you in life but you can still get along, to look toward the end result, and to never give up in your determinations.

I will really miss seeing ya'll next year.

Even though I was (as one of my good-intending classmates said) a "Newb" to the class, I still am glad I went through this school program. It was tough work. There were many late night projects, forgotten assignments, and playful sass throughout the entire experience. There were even times for each of us, when we wanted to just give up, but we made it. We did it.

That said, I am both freaking terrified and super-duper excited for what the future holds...  (I must say, it is weird to feel the extremes of two very different emotions at the same time.)

I am honestly looking forward to see where my classmates find themselves in the future. There is so much of the unknown ahead, but don't be discouraged because God has a plan for everyone. Hang tight to His goodness, blessings, and truth, and you will be where you are supposed to be.

Now to face the challenges of college and full independence... Best wishes for all the classes of 2015 out there! I know you can change the world for the better!