Sunday, September 18, 2016

Love Me Not

I think to myself how stupid to stay in my room when there's great potential for a beautiful and budding relationship with the strangers I passed daily. Reality hits then and cuts like a knife: my selfish pride, my failures and faults. That time when I was running my lip and couldn't catch it in time to keep from tripping on all these awkward words as they stumble out.

 I am clumsy, I am dull, but worst of all I am a girl.

 A girl needs someone to depend on, a friend to stand beside who's not afraid to catch her too.  A girl needs someone spontaneous in her life who will surprise her with small gifts of kindness or a hug from behind. A girl needs someone to see beyond her fears and love her as she is. A girl needs a place to direct her passion, the kind that fits best in a heart.

What a blasted curse it is to be a girl when you're alone.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

An Old Cabin

Upon this spot I rest.
I think a bird has built a nest.
My deck holds much wear
though my floors are quite bare.

My wooden walls with much decay
have seen faces of dismay.
Joy and happiness too, I've seen,
Pensive persons and perhaps some mean.

If years were pennies, I'd have two dollars,
but that don't make sense here in these hollers.
Pull up a chair and rock for a spell
and note the sillage of memories.

Monday, September 5, 2016

A Tree Grows

As the light hits the tips of leaves,
Red, as crimson blood, spilled
The stories held in this field
Of lives lost in fighting.

A gun was fired.

Two hearts sink low as
A determined soldier falls.
A sacrifice of hearts that never lost hope,
That's where this tree grows.