Sunday, September 18, 2016

Love Me Not

I think to myself how stupid to stay in my room when there's great potential for a beautiful and budding relationship with the strangers I passed daily. Reality hits then and cuts like a knife: my selfish pride, my failures and faults. That time when I was running my lip and couldn't catch it in time to keep from tripping on all these awkward words as they stumble out.

 I am clumsy, I am dull, but worst of all I am a girl.

 A girl needs someone to depend on, a friend to stand beside who's not afraid to catch her too.  A girl needs someone spontaneous in her life who will surprise her with small gifts of kindness or a hug from behind. A girl needs someone to see beyond her fears and love her as she is. A girl needs a place to direct her passion, the kind that fits best in a heart.

What a blasted curse it is to be a girl when you're alone.

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