Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Clemency's Walk (part 1)

     It was the type of day that lightened the mood.  The wind blew just enough to rustle the tips of the leaves while the sky was a cheerful shade of blue.  In these woods, she would relax and just be herself, focusing on the growing oaks around her.  Observing everything, Clemency plodded along.  A feeling of contentment in the slowly alternating environment crept into her heart.  A light breeze ruffled the trees around her.  She spots a charming ladybug resting on a leaf in some of the underbrush.  Its wings were the most magnificent tint of bright red that she had ever seen, and its spots were perfection.  "How fortunate I am to see you there.  I'm sure you'd bring me good companionship," the young girl confessed softly.  The girl's slim, pale fingers stretched with haste towards the insect, fancying for its touch with the intent to entrap it in her palm.  The bug escaped just in time for her to grasp the emptiness it left behind.

A dragonfly passes by.* 

     Now, Clemency continues walking on the path through the forest, vaulting low-lying branches and bending under higher ones.  The effort of avoiding the obstacles in the path mucks her skin and clothes.  Onward she trudges, for she has never been this far along the path yet.  A feeling of the curiosity of what lies ahead grows inside Clemency.  She continues on, ready for an adventure and yet hindered by one solitary sentiment: the emptiness the ladybug had left.  This feeling of rejection distresses Clemency.  She wishes for someone who might hold her hand and encourage her along the path. "There's a chance we may meet later, down the path," she thinks, attempting to comfort herself.
  She spots a beaver working at the trunk of a tree. He gnaws one bite of bark after another until the tree begins to fall. Once the forest is slightly jostled by the noise of its collision with the ground, he must move the branches to his dwelling in the nearby river. He works hard, oblivious to the forget-me-nots and red poppies he drags each well-earned branches over.  Like the beaver, she busies herself by striding ever-onward through the obstacles of her walk, rarely stopping to simply admire the scenery.

The path stretches on.

*symbolizing change in both time and maturity.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Minty + Mango

I have had many people ask me "Why did you choose 'MintyMango' as your blog name?"
Well, as you might can tell, I've devoted this post to answering that very question.

Image result for wint o green painting

(I also use "MiMango" because in Spanish "mi mango" means "my mango".)

    The first reason I chose to use "minty" is that I like mints. I have memories in eight grade sitting in a room with blue walls, staring out the window at the trees, sucking on a mint while trying to avoid the homework I had for the day. I spent a lot of my time day-dreaming and looking at the things around me, though I knew each object by heart. I would dream about all the conversations I thought I might have one day, though most are very unlikely to happen at all. Anyway, mints remind me of a very specific time in my life. (Peppermints are a different story, though. I still like them, but they remind me of a different memory.)

Aside from personal memories, I think of the following words when I think of mint and blogging:

     These are all characteristics I hope to have throughout my blog. I want it to be thought-provoking, full of variety, and attention-getting. I know there are a few current issues that prevent it from being fully attention-getting, but I'm writing here for improvement and as a stress-reliever.

    That brings me to the last word in my blog name: Mango. I also love mangos, especially the good ones. Mangos may not be for everyone, and some people might be allergic to them (they are a cousin to poison ivy, after all.) I like the juicy, peach-textured, and non-stringy type of mango. They are very rare in the states and the ones that can be found have usually been picked green and are not as flavorful or 'meaty' as if they had been picked ripe. A good mango also reminds me of a time in the past. It was a happy time when I first started to decide who I was and one that made me more of who I am today.

   As far as what "mango" means for my blog, it is really there because it is something I like. Not everyone likes them and I understand that. Not everyone will like my blog, so I have to realize that, too. I am still proud of most of the stuff I do post. In summation, "mango" means it is personal and a little bit of who I am.

I hope finding out about my blog title has been entertaining for you.

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Blessings to you, my lovely readers!