Saturday, February 13, 2016

What To Do on Valentines Day?

I know there are a lot of blogs about valentines day already, but I just want to add my own thoughts to the mix of advice for those who my feel like they're missing out on February 14th.

First of all, I must mention that there is nothing wrong with being single. It does not mean you are not loved, worth it, or even attractive, because you are all those things. Let's face it, cultural standards presented via media has greatly effected what we value. One day, those trends will go out of style (just look at past trends, you'll see).  One day that body may not be so fit, or those teeth so pristine, or hair so voluminous. The effects of age shows on all of us eventually, no matter how much we want it not too.

What is left, then?  Well, I say personality, passion, experiences, and your impact on the world will be what people can remember even when your hair hair turns white, your teeth fall out, or, your skin wrinkles, (and other things happen that are not found totally attractive in our culture...).

Even if you're spending Valentines day with a status that reads "Single", don't discourage because being in a dating relationship is NOT what determines your value. Self-pity is a harmful and repeating cycle, my friend.

So, here are 7 things you can do on Valentines day, especially if you're single:

1. Have a "Stupid-Cupid" attitude

This involves the "Netflix and chocolate" method of coping with a day for couples. While it is relaxing to nap and chill, it can very easily lead to self-pity (especially when your OTP gets together). I do not recommend this option.  

2. Admit your love to your crush

Unless you know for sure they feel the same way and/or know them well enough to do it in a way that does not seem obsessive, this is something to NOT do. While it may seem like a good idea in your mind, I recommend revealing your sentiments the day before, or the day after. But, if you MUST admit your undying admiration for the person always on your mind during this day dedicated to love, do so sweetly, lightly and sincere.

3. Spend time with friends

Getting together with one or more or the people you love can be a great way to lift your spirits. If you go bowling, see a movie, or enjoy one another's company over food, being with good friends is always entertaining.

4. Send silly pickup lines to your BFF
Just think of the fun you could have sending cheesy compliments to a friend who would find them just as funny as you do.

5. Do something you've always wanted to do

Because you don't have a "+1" to spend your day with, spend it doing something that you enjoy, but rarely take the time to do. Write that story you've been thinking about, send notes to friends, build that neat thing you found on Pinterest, reorganize your room etc. The list could be endless.

6. Don't hate on all those couples 

(Photo credit:, Ukrainian Artist Mikhail & Inessa Garmash) 

While it may be easy to wish you were in a relationship when you see a couple romantically gazing into each others eyes or holding hands as they walk down the path, don't be fooled. Being in a relationship is not all it seems from the outside. Plus, right now you're single and that is a good state to be in to grow into who you were made to be.

7. Embrace the day

It is just 24 hours. If you absoluetly dispise Valenines day, realize it will soon pass. If you feel left out because you don't have that special someone, focus on you and your own personal growth. If you really like Valentines, share that happiness with others. Just enjoy the time you have, and make the best of what you have, because you're awesome like that.

Happy Valentines day!

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