Friday, February 26, 2016

Sandy Seas

From a writing club icebreaker today, this story was written through a collaboration of three people. Enjoy!

     It was a cloudy day and the sea was very full of energy. Sandy was standing on the edge of the tide, her long patch-work skirt flowing briskly behind her. "Thank goodness my hair is in a bun for this wind would turn it into a rat's nest for sure," she thought. She was very pensive on this gloomy day for she had just said goodbye to her Charles, and was now watching his boat sail away into the horizon.
     As she watched the boat sail away the tears puddled in her eyes and slowly slid down her cheeks. She wiped the tears away with quick strokes. She did not want to let people see her cry. She needed to be strong, strong for Charles, her family, and, herself. She lifted up her head and smiled shakily. She turned slowly and walked up the pathway away from the dock.
     She didn't want to see him go. She didn't know when she would see him again. If something happened... she couldn't think of it. She needed to go on with her life, as if she wasn't worried about what the future would hold.  She had to be strong, though the future could hold either delicious victory or unimaginable heartbreak. It seemed the latter was most likely.

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